
155 S. Seward Street  ▪  Juneau, Alaska  99801  ▪  907-586-5240 




April 13, 2022


Federal mask mandate for public transportation extended another 15 days thru May 3

Masks will continue to be required on public transportation and in transportation hubs – like the Juneau International Airport and on Capital Transit and CAPITAL AKcess – through May 3. The Transportation Security Administration extended the federal security directive for mask use for 15 days based on a recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The previous extension was originally set to expire April 18. Read FAQs and learn more here.

According to a TSA statement, the Omicron subvariant BA.2 now makes up more than 85% of U.S. cases: “Since early April 2022, there have been increases in the 7-day moving average of COVID-19 cases in the United States. During the 15-day extension period, CDC will assess the potential impact the recent rise of COVID-19 cases has on severe disease, including hospitalizations, deaths, and healthcare system capacity. TSA will continue to coordinate closely with CDC and communicate any changes to this requirement with the public.”

The federal rule requires individuals to wear masks on airplanes, ships, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis, rideshares, as well as in airports, bus or ferry terminals, train or subway stations, seaports, ports of entry, or any other area that provides transportation in the US.

Read FAQs and learn more here: transportation.gov/safety/mask-travel-guidance.






Lisa Phu (she/her)

Public Information Officer

City & Borough of Juneau

(907) 586-5374

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