[ZeroWaste] February Zero Waste Planning Update

Dianna Robinson Dianna.Robinson at juneau.gov
Fri Feb 9 15:04:01 AKST 2024


Thank you to everyone who participated in last month's Communications Preferences survey! It was shared that email was the preferred way for us to contact you, so we are reaching out to you again to let you know about a few upcoming events related to solid waste issues in our community.

On Monday, February 12th at 5:30 PM, there will be a Special Assembly Committee of the Whole<https://juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com/bc-acw/page/special-assembly-committee-whole> meeting. Dianna Robinson, Environmental Project Specialist with CBJ, will be presenting to the Assembly about zero waste planning and solid waste issues in our community. It will be the last presentation on the agenda and may be later in the evening, so if you would like a preview of the PowerPoint, you can see that here<https://mccmeetingspublic.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/juneauak-meet-e3d81bac8a6b4e2f910568cc7dbfbc87/ITEM-Attachment-001-9a5c55cc83034231ab12c55a2621e777.pdf>. This meeting has a virtual and in-person option.

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On Tuesday, February 20th at 6:30 PM, there will be a Juneau Commissions on Sustainability (JCOS) Sustainability Session<https://juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com/bc-jcs/page/juneau-commission-sustainability-15> at the Mendenhall Library Large Meeting Room. This will be a Solid Waste Q&A session with Dianna Robinson and Stuart Ashton, RecycleWorks Operations Manager. If you have burning questions about Juneau's current waste system or want to know more about CBJ's recycling and household hazardous waste (HHW) programs, please join JCOS in person or virtually! If you are attending virtually or plan to view the recording later but still want your question answered, feel free to email Dianna at Dianna.robinson at juneau.gov, and it will be included in the Q&A. If you live Downtown or on Douglas - don't worry! There will be a second session at a Downtown location at a future date.

Finally, look for new solid waste-related web pages on Juneau.org<http://www.juneau.org/>. We will link to them on the JCOS page<https://juneau.org/engineering-public-works/jcos> as well as the main Engineering & Public Works page<https://juneau.org/engineering-public-works/jcos>. These new resources will keep you updated on solid waste issues, zero waste planning, and information on Juneau's waste system and related CBJ programs. Take a look back with a timeline of solid waste discussions and actions over the years, beginning with the opening of the first (and current) landfill in the 1960s. We hope you find this resource as valuable as we have in understanding how Juneau got to its current solid waste situation.

CBJ Zero Waste Team

PS - Next week is Food Security Week, and as food waste reduction is so closely tied to this subject, we wanted to let you know about a few free events happening in Juneau. The Alaska Food Policy Council will be holding lunchtime presentations at the Capitol about the 'Status of Hunger in Alaska' on Monday, February 12th at 12:00 PM, and a second on 'Food Production in Alaska' on Wednesday, February 14th at 12:00 PM. Presentations will be live-streamed at AKL.TV<http://www.akl.tv/>, and more information can be found here<https://www.akfoodpolicycouncil.org/blog/food-security-week-2024?>.

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